The cartoon gay community is so scares these days. Where is everybody at? I sometimes feel alone out here. Like I'm the only one with any gay pride. Hmm, that's one of the reasons I moved from 2D Land. Not enough action. Toons just stay inside, and practice not being gay. "I ain't got time for that", I'm here to make moves! In the 3D world there is progressing. Homos getting married, speaking out in the media, starting unions...I like that type of shit. Even some very famous gay cartoons came out of the closet, in the 3D world. I feel this is the place to be.
On the other hand, no one can see me here, in the 3D world. The fact that I'm thinner than a piece of paper is really turning out to be a problem. It may make more since to move back to 2D Land, for a while..a little while. Just to get a few more a little, before trying at this "human TV" thing. Maybe someone knows a few humans, already, that can get us some stage presents.
I don't's just a thought.