Sunday, December 29, 2013

The word GAY

So, one of my dear friends was recently offended when I used the word "GAY"...
Yes, the word "GAY". Which at the time, I thought was pretty ridicules.  Not to say, I don't see her point-of-view. I just don't get what the big deal is. She was all offensive, like she was the only homosexual in the room. I'm right here 'hommie'...I'm right here.

Okay, so this is how it went down. I think, I was referring to something I saw on television. It was cheesy long and boring. After which, I responded with "That was hella GAY!"
She then questioned, "GAY? Why does it have to be gay? Why does GAY have to be a bad thing?"

hmm okay....PAUSE

Now you are the one putting negative meanings to words. From what I know, "GAY" has two different meanings. One is a homosexual person and the other meaning stands for happy. Homosexuality is not's love that breaks through the boundaries and limitations of brainwashed society. I am homosexual and you are homosexual, so how about you love yourself a little more!


I did not say any of this shit to her. I simply glared with a fake smile..and logged into Blogger.
-keeping it real-

PAUSE again

Secondly, GAY was the meaning for happy too.  Yeah, if you haven't guessed, I was referring to this meaning when I made my statement. Shit is GAY! Somethings in life, I think, you just can't throw the word happy on it and call it a day. Somethings need for defining. GAY isn't just's extremely very really sickening cheesy type of happy. The type of happy that you can't simply throw a rainbow across and call it valid.

Shit be very GAY sometimes...
and I know there are some people out there that could get offended...but I'm sure they are looking for anything to be offended about. The word "GAY" flip-flops around as much as the word nigga. Yeah, I said nigga! least it wasn't nigger lmao.
(I can say that....I'm not only a gay cartoon, I'm a black gay cartoon...SHOUTOUT)

This is a wonderful world we live in...with words that can and do mean multiple things.  Regardless of the word, I'm going to put a positive meaning to it. That's the type of world I choose to live in.
Guess I can't say the same for her...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fucking with the camera setting...

So NefB and I have been fucking around with this digital camera we just got.  We used it put the first two video clips for A Gay Ass Cartoon page. It is a nice little Canon. Came with a pretty cool lens and a mic too.  Think NefB is a little more excited than me tho. She really loves her film equipment.

This last video we shot was a bust, but I think it's going to still work out great for the page.  NefB is being filmed in this one... and she is high as fuck!  I sometimes think that girl smokes too much ganja, if that is even possible.  I don't think she got a single sentence out. Brain too spaced out lol.  Fantastic video clip when you leave as is, hella funny...

So yea, I'm going to put up the clip...just for shits and giggles. Then, it's time to settle down and get to business. I don't want to fans that we already have to think we aren't serious.  The LGBT community is number one on the list.  We have a few topic to get out there. Now, that we have figured out the setting on this camera...things will be moving more rapidly :)

I'm not going to front....yes, I'm excited.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

photo # 6

So I haven't got word yet if my "old bird" will star in A Gay Ass Cartoon.  
I still need to promote, so I took a shot of them tities for good measure!
 Don't judge me...I gotta keep the people liking the page lol.

Things are picking up...

Things are picking up on this Facebook page stuff. I love it...though there is not much to love yet.  We only got a few pictures and two short..and I mean short, videos up. But it's a start. The hommie Mutch has decided to join the crew. A Gay Ass Cartoon could use her. Good people, that one. Another toon stud to add to the mix. That makes three of us now...(well not to say I'm a stud...I rather be a no ladel..but everyone is put in a box in the 3D world...can't get around it.)

I am thinking of getting my lady back home, to make an appearance too. I don't want all them femms out there to think this is a butch fest lol. And let's not forget my male homos! I don't want them to think the penis isn't allowed..we need like I should say no homo (such a dyke lol).

There is a lot of work to do.
A lot of people we need to connect to.
The LGBT community isn't as small as I thought.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

photo # 5

My "chill room" back in 2D Land.  Thinking I might
record some of my footage for 
A GAY ASS CARTOON in this room.
It has good lighting compare to some of the others.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

cartoon gay community

The cartoon gay community is so scares these days.  Where is everybody at? I sometimes feel alone out here.  Like I'm the only one with any gay pride.  Hmm, that's one of the reasons I moved from 2D Land. Not enough action. Toons just stay inside, and practice not being gay. "I ain't got time for that", I'm here to make moves! In the 3D world there is progressing. Homos getting married, speaking out in the media, starting unions...I like that type of shit. Even some very famous gay cartoons came out of the closet, in the 3D world.  I feel this is the place to be.

On the other hand, no one can see me here, in the 3D world. The fact that I'm thinner than a piece of paper is really turning out to be a problem. It may make more since to move back to 2D Land, for a while..a little while. Just to get a few more a little, before trying at this "human TV" thing.  Maybe someone knows a few humans, already, that can get us some stage presents.

I don't's just a thought.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

photo # 4

Had a photo shoot this weekend
New pictures for the facebook page.
Lol they said they wanted to see "attitude".

crazy weekend

Glad to be back, its been a crazy weekend. I've been back an forth between here and 2D Land. Man, my sleeping pattern is all jacked up. But all in all, I got a lot of work done. NefB and I have started up our facebook page, and are getting a hang of this Internet things. Apparently, she has human friends already. Gave us the 101 about the "Like Game" we got to get these "likes", once we produce good material. I guess enough likes makes you somebody in the 3D Land. I'm not sure, but NefB thinks it'll solve all our problems. We will see...Let the games begin!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

photo # 3

Nef and I tripping out on some weed brownies.
Good times lol


So I been talking to my friends back in 2D Land.  They want to start a little vlogging project, if that is even a word...Vlogging, well it's not my own show, but it's a start.  If I ever want to be on the humans TV, I have to make my presents know. At least that's what Nef says (she's my buddy back home).
So I got on the Bookface, I mean Facebook. For some reason Facebook is linked to the two dimensional and third dimensional world. Think it was the flood of employment for a lot of us toons yellow cards in get in 3D Land. So I feel safe with Facebook. Now the challenge is figuring out how to get friends with these one dimensional frame of mine >_< BAH

Friday, November 15, 2013

photo # 2

Older picture of me,
back when I was still living in 2D Land...I forget who took the picture.

entertainment industry most cartoons, I work in the field of entertainment. And no, this was not by choice. Like a little person playing the role of a little person. Wait...that didn't or did makes sense...whatever. What else can I do but be myself. And apparently, I'm an entertainer. What am I suppose to do, become a lawyer or a doctor?...HA. Toons like Homer...and that bitch ass Peter ruined that for all of us. They say, "Hey, I'll put you and your family on human's television. You'll be set for life, all you got to do is make an ass out of yourself for the next 20 years...and fools like them just sell their souls away. And then fools like me, hate on that shit, and get in the entertainment industry.

"Dance for us monkey" the humans say "DANCE"
and I do my two step. I ain't going to front, I'm trying to get paid.
So that's why I'm here in "3D land". Looking to make that 3D money to fulfill my 2D dreams <3

photo # 1

Me on a bad day...still sexy as fuck

I am a cartoon...

I am a cartoon...I am a cartoon.
Damn this sucks much sweaty balls. No one notices me. It's cause I'm a cartoon.A fucking cartoon. Most people think I'm a ghost...they can hear me speaking but can't see me. I know it's cause I'm two dimensional..but damn. It still makes me feel invisible. I am always having to be at the perfect angle to be seen...that is NOT fucking easy. Then once I am seen humans think their seeing things and run away. I'm just a cartoon, looking for a little action. Should have not moved to the third dimensional ..or is this the one here seems to whatever. Well, the rents cheap and the food is good, so I guess that's a plus. I just need a friend :(  I doesn't help that I'm also gay as shit. A gay cartoon in the world of third dimensional humans...did I mention that this sucks balls.